Accounting and Tax

Accountants have an in-depth understanding of financial management, tax laws, and other financial regulations, which can be crucial in developing a solid business.

4 ways an accountant can help you.

Small businesses are the backbone of many economies, providing goods, services, and employment to local communities. As a small business owner, you’re likely to face many challenges and obstacles. Least of all, you’ll need to manage your finances, taxes, and other accounting-related tasks. This is where an accountant can come in handy. They can offer […]
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5 Ways a Small Business Accountant Can Help

If you own a small business, you’ve probably worked with a small business accountant at some point. Have you imagined how they could help you, other than preparing and filing taxes, and bookkeeping? Most people would acknowledge small business accountants prepare tax returns and financial statements. They recognise engaging a good small business accountant will […]
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Planning for the impact of RBNZ’s interest rate rises

For many, last month’s Reserve Bank (RBNZ) announcement brought bad news. Rising interest rates and inflation will hit many small businesses hard, as customers’ disposable income will decrease. Is it a time to panic? No, definitely not. But it indicates RBNZ aims to reduce the amounts of discretionary funds we have to spend. Small-businesses owners […]
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6 tips to help you enjoy the summer break

[Updated 25 November 2023] Do you sacrifice holidays to focus on keeping your business operating?  If you are, you’re not alone.  A recent survey indicated three-quarters of small-business owners regularly work through holiday periods. At Business Advisory Services, we want to helping our clients maintain a work-life balance during the festive season. Throughout this article, […]
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Unravelling Four Myths About Business Cash Flow

Running your own business can be exciting and rewarding but often presents its fair share of stress.  Often called the “silent killer” poor cash flow is one issue that causes more businesses to cease trading than anything else.   If you’re concerned with your cash flow, I’m about to share some practical advice to help you […]
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How Close Are You to Achieving Your Vision?

Starting, nurturing, and running your own business requires huge commitments. Many small-business entrepreneurs require several years to create scalable, profitable, businesses with loyal client bases. And as they do, their journeys are filled with risks, ups and downs, causing significant stress and anxiety. For those who survive the start-up phases, they begin to reap the […]
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Are Buying a Business? Don’t Forget Your Homework

With much of the legwork already done for you, buying a business that’s already operating would make sense for many budding entrepreneurs.  After completing the formalities of transferring ownership, you’ll be up and running in no time.  With an existing client base, staff, premises and brand, you could be making a decision you’ll never regret. […]
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Tax Changes for Residential Investment Properties

The current Labour government has announced some radical changes to New Zealand’s tax legislation for residential investment properties. It has declared it wants to remove “tax loopholes” that gave an unfair advantage to existing investment property owners. Government proposed the legislation soon after Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) announced the country’s latest house […]
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