
By setting SMART goals, you can create a roadmap for your professional growth

Master SMART Goals to Elevate Your Business

Setting SMART goals and having a clear roadmap is indispensable in today’s dynamic business landscape. Explore how the SMART framework can serve as a catalyst to propel you to unprecedented heights of success. UNDERSTANDING SMART GOALS Setting goals is the cornerstone of success for small business owners. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, […]
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Amidst economic hardships, Kiwi businesses grapple with a surge in receiverships and liquidations, with the IRD's unwavering pursuit of unpaid taxes adding to the challenges.

Unpaid Tax: Is IRD an ally or adversary?

New Zealand businesses have continued to face mounting economic challenges during the last few years. Earthquakes, cyclones, a pandemic, recession, and frequent official cash rate (OCR) hikes have taken their toll on many. Yet, in the midst of these hardships, IRD continues to demand its dues and case unpaid tax. Recent data shows New Zealand […]
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NZ Minor Parties’ Tax Policies

New Zealand’s general election on 14 October 2023 is fast approaching. As is customary, tax policies continue to be a prominent subject of debate as the election approaches. During the lead up to the election, the various political parties’ tax policies have been grabbing headlines. Some parties advocate for sweeping alterations to our tax system, […]
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Accountants have an in-depth understanding of financial management, tax laws, and other financial regulations, which can be crucial in developing a solid business.

4 ways an accountant can help you.

Small businesses are the backbone of many economies, providing goods, services, and employment to local communities. As a small business owner, you’re likely to face many challenges and obstacles. Least of all, you’ll need to manage your finances, taxes, and other accounting-related tasks. This is where an accountant can come in handy. They can offer […]
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6 tips to help you enjoy the summer break

[Updated 25 November 2023] Do you sacrifice holidays to focus on keeping your business operating?  If you are, you’re not alone.  A recent survey indicated three-quarters of small-business owners regularly work through holiday periods. At Business Advisory Services, we want to helping our clients maintain a work-life balance during the festive season. Throughout this article, […]
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How Close Are You to Achieving Your Vision?

Starting, nurturing, and running your own business requires huge commitments. Many small-business entrepreneurs require several years to create scalable, profitable, businesses with loyal client bases. And as they do, their journeys are filled with risks, ups and downs, causing significant stress and anxiety. For those who survive the start-up phases, they begin to reap the […]
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More recently, biometric data, such as fingerprint or thumbprint scans, are being  used to verify someone’s identity.

13 small-business cyber-security tips

Updated: August 2021 If you own a small-business and think data-security is unavoidable, this article provides 13 small-business cyber-security-tips. Do you fear being hacked or losing customers’ personal information?  If you answered yes, you’re certainly not alone. 1. Norton’s Cyber Security Findings Norton’s 6th annual Cyber Safety Insights Report highlighted an alarming statistic.  It found […]
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Trusts Act 2019 – Trustee Responsibilities

Several important changes to how trusts operate now apply after the new Trusts Act 2019 (“Act”) took effect from 30 January 2021.  The Act imposes more obligations for settlors, trustees and beneficiaries.  Trustees should take action.  They should review the trusts they are responsible for to ensure they operate as intended and comply with the […]
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4 Ideas To Navigate Your Business Through A Recession

As the owner of a small business, you’ve no doubt experienced tough times at some point. Even if you haven’t, things could be slowing down due to the effects of Covid-19. Don’t worry though! Almost every business will go through rough patches at some point. This doesn’t reflect on you. Sometimes, things are just out […]
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7 Strategies To Avoid Exhaustion For New Businesses

Starting your own business might be one of the most thrilling and daunting steps you’ll ever take. At the start, you’ll feel driven to work late and on weekends because you want your new company to thrive. Over time, working too hard might cause burnout. You might even lose the passion you feel for your […]
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