Business Growth

5 Ways to Boost Your Cash Flow

Budgeting and Forecasting Process Roadmap

Can your business succeed without a budgeting and forecasting process?  The answer is…probably, yes.   Good budgeting and forecasting processes are two important steps to skilfully run your business and achieve your financial goals.   The recent COVID-19 pandemic has put many businesses under significant financial pressure.  Here are nine ways to help you develop a simple […]
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Why Cashflow Forecasts Are Critical For Your Business

Managing your business without a cashflow forecast is like driving with your eyes shut. You’ll probably be able to survive a short distance. But it’s dangerous and you won’t notice the danger until it’s too late. So what is cash-flow, why is it so vital, and how can you ensure you stay on top of […]
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Business partners

Considering Bringing On A New Business Partner?

There are myriad reasons why you might want to introduce a new business partner.  Among these reasons are: You may be planning to retire; They’d provide additional funds to expand the business; They may bring skills and experience that you don’t have; You want to share the workload. It’s a big step, particularly if you […]
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small business accountant

9 Questions to Ask A Small Business Accountant

This article will discuss the difference between bookkeepers, chartered accountants and small business accountants and how to recognise when you need one. It will also suggest nine questions you should ask them when you’re interviewing them. Do you want to run your business properly but small business accounting scares the living daylights out of you? […]
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unattached directors

Independent Directors – A Valuable Addition To Any Company

In my experience, the majority of small business owners presume that only big companies use independent directors.  However, independent non-executive directors can add a great deal of benefit to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Owner-managed businesses are often opposed to engaging outside directors or consultants.  I’m sure this is partly due to our Kiwi […]
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Want to strengthen your business with some business transformation tips?

Business transformation needn’t be a process that’s restricted to the big corporations.  In my experience, as an accountant and business consultant, one of the biggest challenges that most small business owners face is how they cope with the demands of doing everything.  From formulating their business plan, to marketing their services or products, to managing […]
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7 ways to grow your business in a recession

Are you struggling to survive the recession? If your business’ systems & structure are solid; you have the right team on board and you have your cash flow under control, there is every chance you will survive a downturn or recession. At the height of our recession, many small businesses focused on surviving, which is hardly […]
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